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Every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on our website and in our publications. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, fee, timetable, or campus location at any time.
Our mission Collège Boréal provides a high calibre personalised education to a diverse clientele and it practices community leadership to foster the sustainable development of the francophone community of Ontario. Our vision “Foster knowledge and stimulate culture“
The Goodman School of Mines serves as the gateway to Canada’s Mining University – Laurentian University. It is your one-stop access point to the most comprehensive mining education available in Canada, with an extensive array of undergraduate- and graduate- level programs, training and research geared to the full mining cycle.
Brock University is one of Canada’s top post-secondary institutions. Located in historic Niagara region, Brock offers all the benefits of a young and modern university in a safe, community-minded city with beautiful natural surroundings.
The Department of Earth Sciences and Mineral Exploration Research Centre at Laurentian University offer some of the most comprehensive field-, laboratory-, and theoretically-based Earth Science programs in North America, including: BSc in Earth Science (Geology, Environmental Geosciences and CO-OP Geological Exploration options); MSc in Geology;...
Memorial University has teaching and learning facilities across Newfoundland and Labrador, and abroad, giving you diverse choice of where to study.